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Each year we ask for items to be loaned to the carnival that we return afterward, such as:

power strips

twinkle lights and spot lights

BIG Halloween Decorations

extension cords










Loan us your EZ-Up Tents or Pop-Ups:  Big demand, appreciate a loan.


Aches & Breaks booth:  medical wraps, bandages, fake blood, fake scars, medical tape, slings, new, unwrapped eye-make-up pencils & shadow for bruises. 

Haunted House: make-up remover, hair spray, make-up sponges, paint-brushes, duct tape, fake spider webs, plastic fang teeth, black socks & anything else you think might help us make the Haunted House a scary success. 

Cases of water and soda,Tissues, toilet paper rolls, small baby diapers



​Please scroll down or click the links to view more specific information about Item Donations, Item Loans, and Monetary and Gift Card Donations.

Monetary or Gift Card Donations 

We will always welcome monetary donations and gift cards to HomeDepot and/or Party City to help offset the costs of the carnival. 

Item Loans for the Carnival

Item Donations for Booths/Haunted House

Monetary or Gift Cards
Sponsors enable us to raise more funds and reach our budget goals! To thank you for your sponsorship, you will receive: Your business/name on a large sign at the sponsored booth/activity AND your business featured on our "Carnival Main Page" on our website (with link) Please see the varied sponsorship opportunities below.  For a sponsorship form, please click HERE.
PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Click here to Donate!

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